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Kettle’s In the Kitchen

Kettle’s In the Kitchen

Kettle’s In The Kitchen, the latest album by The Sheri Kershaw Band is out now and available to buy on Amazon. Click here to buy on Amazon.


  1. You Don’t See Me
  2. It Really Doesn’t Matter
  3. Longing
  4. Kettles In the Kitchen
  5. Roses
  6. The Colours of Life
  7. Where We Are Now
  8. Rock-a-bye Daddy
  9. I Don’t Want Your Lovin
  10. Crying Shame
  11. If I Make A Wish
  12. We Are One

All songs Written by Sheri Kershaw © Copyright Sheri Kershaw 2011

All Vocals and Guitar on all tracks except I Don’t Want Your lovin by Sheri K

Martyn Hewitt on Guitars

Chris Brimley on Guitar ( You Don’t See me) and Bass on all other tracks

Phil Ball is the other guitar on I Don’t Want Your Lovin

Recorded at Ashby Studios

Mastered by David Richardson, SRT Chapel Kensington

Photography Izzy Spint

Blue Pillows

Blue Pillows


  1. Blue Pillows
  2. Dance Upon a Moonlit Night
  3. Dream Awhile
  4. Don’t Say A Word
  5. Kenny
  6. Old Friends
  7. Round and Round
  8. Swallow in the Wind
  9. What can You Say
  10. The One
  11. Ghosts

Engineered by Roger Asquew

Guitars and vocals: Sheri Kershaw

Joint Producers: Roger and Sheri

Bass: Dudley Phillips and Bowern Mog

Guest guitarists: Lincoln Grounds, Nik Kershaw, Andrew Walpole

Kora, Indian Flute and Djembe: Ravi

Mastered by Nik Kershaw

All songs written and sung by Sheri Kershaw © copyright 2001

Photography by Tim Pinney

This album was made at what was once my home, in 2001 or there abouts. Blue Pillows had sat on the back burner while life became harder than I could have ever imagined. I am grateful for good friends who steadied my step. I am grateful always for John’s support through my own journey of transformation, for Claudie, Angie and Liz and for our wonderful healing group, to Robbie for always believing in my musical ability, to Martyn, Chris, Anna and Ray for the shared music, Tim for the photos and the Reiki, to Mike, a soul full pen friend, to the camps and the field community, to David for being there despite the chaos and the heartache, and to my sons, Rudi, Ryan and Izzy, because I was blessed when they came into my life and just because they are my sons, they fill my heart with joy.